Snapchat to debut new “Our Story” feature at EDC Vegas

Snapchat today revealed their adding a new “Our Story” feature to their popular mobile messaging system.

Building upon their already established “My Story” feature for individual users, Our Story allows fans gathered at the same location to collaboratively contribute to a unified Story for that event.

This not only allows users to share photos and videos with fellow event-goers, but also gives others not in attendance an uncensored look at all aspects of the event.

This weekend’s Electric Daisy Carnival will be the first event to take advantage of the new feature. Snapchat and EDC earlier announced they partnered to provide fans a free Wi-Fi signal to exclusively access Snapchat and the Insomniac mobile app.

To contribute to the story, simply send a Snap to “Our EDC Story,” which will appear in your “Send to” page after you enable location services to recognize you’re in attendance.

Fans from afar can follow “EDCLive” on Snapchat to access the snaps, similarly to following a hashtag on Instagram or Twitter.


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